Business analysis and procedural documentation are integral parts of any company. The primary benefit of business analysis is that it allows companies to manage any changes as well as analyze risks and decisions taken by a company. An important aspect of business analysis that technical writers can provide is procedural documentation, guaranteeing clear communication. EDC’s technical writers are trained in many areas of business analysis, ranging from risk management, project management, requirement analysis, etc., meaning they can help to write documentation on any part of business analysis a business needs.
What is Business Process Engineering?
One aspect of business analysis is business process engineering. Business process engineering is a management strategy that focuses on analyzing and designing workflow and processes in an organization. It can also look at business processes and redesign them to improve work productivity as well as customer and employee satisfaction. To do this, companies will look at what work needs to be done to improve the quality of the service or product. They can analyze logs and other information systems to get this information. Then, companies will decide whether or not this work is worth doing, and if so, how they should accomplish it. They can also use surveys to test levels of satisfaction among customers.
Changes can be implemented by focusing on more high-value work or simplifying jobs that are too complicated. Companies can also standardize or automate tasks and modernize systems to make work more efficient. These are ways business processes can be engineered and reengineered to improve workflow in an organization.
How do Entrepreneurial Operating Systems use business process engineering?
The Entrepreneurial Operating Systems model includes business process engineering. The EOS has a proven track record of helping businesses succeed. It provides a model for how the various groups within a company should work together to accomplish their tasks. This can involve organizing and executing the different key roles in a business; for example, budgeting and management.
Vision, people, data, issues, processes, and traction are the components that make the EOS model. These six elements are specific to an organization’s goals and are helpful to both small and large businesses. The first three are the backbone of your company while the last three are the challenges; consider how your company can overcome them to succeed.
Vision: Vision focuses on making sure everyone understands the goal and is fixed on the same priorities. This ensures everyone is on the same page and works as a team to achieve the goal of the business.
People: People are crucial in accomplishing any task. The people in your team need to understand and believe in the vision. No matter how skilled they are, they need to specifically be passionate about your company and its goals. Making sure these employees have a good working experience is also important to the overall work.
Data: Data should be a focus in creating business decisions and plans. Making sure objective metrics and trackable statistics are met can ensure you are on track to meeting a goal. Putting people in charge of reaching specific numbers can be a good way of dividing work.
Issues: Issues will always be present in any company. Making sure you can identify any issues within the organization and solve them is crucial. Also, each issue is an opportunity for growth, so it is also important to learn from them.
Processes: Process is what distinguishes every business. When the end goal is the same, how you approach it is what makes all the difference. Standardizing and simplifying your process is helpful in unifying your company and its goals.
Traction: Traction ensures the company is moving forward. Ultimately, this is key to accomplishing your goals because you need traction to continue to grow and improve.
Why Choose Technical Writers for Procedural Documentation?
A company that uses the EOS model of business process engineering would benefit from the use of a technical writer. The process component of the EOS model in particular benefits from the use of technical writing. Procedural documentation encompasses the policies and procedures that allow a company to function. Technical writers can play a part in business process engineering by providing this documentation.
Going into more detail, the process portion is identifying what works for your business and then documenting the policies and procedures that allow your company to function. This is primarily done through interviews to gather the necessary data and then document it. This procedural documentation is then put into effect by getting everyone on the same page about what the essential steps are. Everyone can then follow these steps to create consistency and scalability in your organization.
The primary benefit of a technical writer for business analysis is that they augment the deliverables of the service. This means that the specialty of a technical writer, easily digestible writing, is present in the procedural documentation that is a part of business process engineering. For example, a business analyst is fully capable of providing business analysis. However, they may not have the communication skills to effectively communicate goals and the steps needed to get there. Often, people in highly specialized fields are familiar with terms and phrases that are not always commonly known. Thus, it is extremely helpful for a writer who is not immersed in the industry to work on or edit the documentation and make sure it can be understood by the general public.
Because the documentation involved reaches a number of different people in your organization, having clear and concise writing is essential to making sure that everything runs smoothly. Having a technical writer can be an advantage by bridging the gap between the analysis and documentation. By doing all this and having the proper procedural documentation, your company is able to have clearly defined company goals and objectives that streamline communication and ensure optimal use of resources, giving you the best chance of success.
Business analysis is crucial for an organization to assess its decision-making and potentiality. Among the different facets of business analysis, business process engineering is one among many that can benefit from the use of technical writers. Having concise writing and clear communication is important as it provides both the adequate detail needed to properly assess the decisions taken in a business, as well as making sure it is understandable to execute.
How EDC Can Help with Procedural Documentation
Whether you need a single technical writer for a brief project or a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation, the quality of our work is guaranteed for you. Our clients work closely with an Engagement Manager from one of our 30 local offices for the entire length of your project at no additional cost. Contact us at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]
Written by Stanley Chu