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a Person Using a Product Manual to Assemble Furniture

When creating a product manual, there are certain components that need to be included to make sure the manual is as effective as possible and provides all the information needed. Each component of a product manual plays an important role in communicating the necessary information to the intended readers, either by covering a specific aspect of said information or by making the document itself easier to read and use. These components serve to shape and define a product manual, making it into a clear, accurate document that can help end-users get the full usage out of a product.

First, however, we need to provide some context by explaining what a product manual is.

What is a Product Manual?

A product manual, also known as an instruction manual or user manual, is a document that explains how to install and use a specific product. More specifically, this type of document includes information on what the product does, what needs to be done to use its features, and when it should be used. It also answers questions users might have about the product and offers potential solutions for issues they may have with it. Such documents are a vital resource for any organization or business that creates products, as end-users would be unable to effectively or safely make use of that organization’s products without them, which would impact both sales and customer satisfaction.

What are the Components of a Product Manual?

A product manual is comprised of many parts, each with a specific purpose. The main components of a product manual are:

Product Overview

This component provides a general summary of what the product is, as well as product features, purpose, and how it is meant to be used. It may also briefly go over what the other sections of the manual discuss. This section should be kept brief, with the following sections being used to explain the product and manual’s information in more detail.

Table of Contents

As with many documents, a product manual should have a table of contents listing the sections the manual’s information is divided into and the pages each section can be found on. This will illustrate how the manual’s contents are organized and help readers quickly find the specific information they are looking for.


a Person in a Suit Reading a Product Manual

Perhaps the most important component of a product manual is the instructions section. This section often consists of step-by-step instructions on how to use each of the product’s features and how to assemble or install it, as well as a more detailed description of the product’s features and capabilities. This part should also include instructions on how to maintain and repair the product. The instructions should be detailed enough to properly communicate the necessary information and cover all of the possible uses and capabilities of the product, while still being clear enough for end-users to understand.

List of Terms

The list of terms will serve as a glossary, defining any confusing or complicated terms and concepts in the manual. While the information in the manual should be made as clear and understandable as possible, there can be cases where the use of terms end-users might not be familiar with is unavoidable, making a list of terms necessary.


While not technically one of the main components of a product manual on its own, images should always accompany the instructions for using, assembling, or installing the product. Images will help to highlight and clarify the instructions, showing what certain parts or features of the product look like or how they would be used to perform a specific task.


The specifications section should include information on the product’s design, how it works, what is needed for the product to run, and the parts that were used to make the product. This gives users a further understanding of how to make use of the product and how to fix it if it is damaged.

Safety Warnings

Another particularly important component of a product manual is the safety warnings. This section of the manual contains information on how to safely use the product, warnings, and information on what situations and ways of misusing the product could pose a danger to the user or others, and how to prevent these dangers. Including such information in a product manual is vital, as doing so helps to keep end-users from being injured or worse, and by extension helps the business in question avoid lawsuits or other such consequences.


An FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions section, provides answers to common questions that end-users may have about the product and how to use it. These questions tend to involve information that isn’t provided in the other sections of a product manual. For example, it could include answers to questions about how a product created by a particular business interacts with one of their other products or which specific feature of a product should be used in a certain situation.


an example Diagram that Could be Used in a Product Manual

A troubleshooting section explains how to solve problems an end-user may be having with the product. It also includes information on how to contact a business’s customer support if an end-user has encountered a problem the troubleshooting section does not cover. This is one of the most important components of a product manual, as it both helps ensure the proper use of the product and increases client satisfaction, which in turn raises the chances that users of the product will become returning customers.

It should be kept in mind that while the components mentioned above are the key components of a product manual, they are not the only possible components. A product manual could also include other components depending on the needs of end-users or the kind of product the manual is for.

How EDC Can Help

Whether you need a single technical writer for a brief project or a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation, the quality of our work is guaranteed for you. Our clients work closely with an Engagement Manager from one of our 30 local offices for the entire length of your project at no additional cost. Contact us at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected] to get started.