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White Papers

Man at a desk writing white papers.

White Papers are an essential part of establishing a brand image or identity. In today’s competitive market, a company must explain why its product or service is the best. White Papers are a hallmark piece of technical writing because they cover detailed, technical aspects of products and services, and include comparative language about alternatives. A technical writing team has the skills and expertise to persuade consumers through this form of technical documentation.

What are White Papers?

White Papers are pieces of technical writing that advocate for the use of a product, service, or strategy. This form of documentation is often used for marketing purposes because it allows a company to explain, in detail, why their product is the best option. White Papers can also be used for more abstract goals beyond selling a product. For example, governments often use them to explain why policies should be enacted. Technical writers have experience in the product marketing and strategy fields; they are equipped to produce White Papers for any project.

a credit card being scanned, showing sales achieved through White Papers documentation
White Papers are a great marketing strategy that can help boost sales

Benefits of this Service

White Papers are a potent marketing tool for businesses in today’s digital era. A consumer is more likely to invest in a product or service if they can clearly understand why this product or service is their best option. Similarly, this form of technical writing allows organizations to express their goals for policy, social issues, or any other facet of life.

  • Helps market goods and services to a broad audience, boosting sales
  • Provides more information about a product
  • Allows customers to choose the correct product or service for their needs
  • White Papers allow organizations to express their social interests
  • Builds brand recognition, thus growing your customer base

Whether you need a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation or a single technical writer for a brief project, Essential Data’s Engagement Manager will lead the project from start to finish. At Essential Data Corporation, the quality of our work is guaranteed. Contact us today to get started. (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]

Written by Jeffrey Pinsker-Smith