Documentation Writers and the Healthcare Industry
Whilst living through the current global pandemic, healthcare seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. COVID-19 has heightened the need for groundbreaking pharmaceutical solutions. As such, there has also come an increased need for healthcare documentation to properly understand and use these pharmaceutical solutions. Essential Data Corporation’s team of documentation writers also provides solutions within health-related fields.
Nearly every industry uses documentation writers. However, they are even more essential when it comes to producing documentation for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs. Decisions made in the biomedical industry can have life or death consequences for future patients. Pharmaceutical companies are in need of standard operating procedures that are clear, concise, and well-informed. Unclear steps can cause mistakes, and some of these mistakes could put people’s lives in danger.
Furthermore, there is a dire need for highly skilled and effective documentation writers. In order to effectively speed up the time it takes for a product to reach the market, the biomedical industry might make use of the writing talents of skilled documentation writers. This also improves internal operations within the company and helps the company reach its financial objectives.
According to a Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) survey, a typical pharmaceutical company must maintain, on average, 1250 standard operating procedures, a demand which costs 15,000 hours of labor. Documentation writers, especially those who are knowledgeable about the biomedical industry, are essential to fulfilling this need. Such writers have the skills needed to effectively and swiftly create documents such as pharmaceutical SOPs, as well as the understanding of the topic necessary to translate those documents’ information into a form that readers can easily understand.
Essential Data is at the Ready
A case study by Essential Data Corporation observed biomedical companies’ need for standard operating procedures (SOPs) in addition to documentation writers. New products have to go through testing that requires many SOPs. The FDA also needs to approve products so they can be put on the market. Taking months at a time, these standard operating procedures can often be a roadblock in putting a product on the market, costing the company and its staff time and money. However, Essential Data Corporation’s documentation writers can expedite the process efficiently. This leaves a company’s in-house writers free to utilize their expertise elsewhere. When it comes to standard operating procedures, hiring a documentation writer with Essential Data Corporation is the best solution.
How EDC can Help
Whether you need a team of consultants ready to produce a complete line of documentation or a single technical writer for a brief project, Essential Data’s Engagement Manager will lead the project from start to finish. At Essential Data Corporation, we guarantee the quality of our work. Contact us today to get started at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]
Written by Ariana Sweany