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a technical writer writing a policy and procedure document

In this economic climate, many American workers are unsure about their employers. Here in New York City, the economic landscape has changed drastically since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its impact on small businesses has created a huge amount of stress for workers as well as business owners. This has been especially hard on college students, who have seen some of their prospects evaporate overnight. It’s not all bad news, though. Certain job markets are thriving while others have gone out of business. We can keep our collective fiscal and mental health afloat by considering careers and new opportunities in burgeoning online businesses. When companies have clear and concise policy and procedure documentation, a move to any industry is possible and provides corporations with a previously untapped pool of talent.

Future Business

In a recent article from Silicon Republic, Gaurang Torvekar discusses how businesses have to adapt to our current pandemic and the economy that it will produce down the road, and how they will need to adapt to conducting their businesses through digital platforms. According to Torvekar, digital scientists will have prominent roles in ongoing lockdowns and changing pandemic restrictions. He predicts that the pandemic will lead to a demand for artificial intelligence that can do the job of a human much faster (and for far less outlay). The fear of artificial intelligence entering the workforce has always been a scary hot debate for some. But we are now seeing that certain jobs are disappearing faster than predicted. The stress has become very real for people in the job market.

Cyber Protection

Torvekar also points out that there will be an increased need for cyber protection in terms of hacking and attacks on the internet. As many enterprises go fully online. Torvekar’s points are entirely accurate. His observations and statistics match what many have observed in the real world. Just this past year, we have seen the economic landscape of New York change. Restaurants and small businesses have gone out of business in droves. The businesses that survive are the ones that can afford to move partially or wholly online. The online economy is booming in comparison to the in-person economy. Torvekar is right to point out that as business moves online to stay alive, AI, data science, and cyber security are going to be in demand. We can stay afloat in this new market by pumping up our technical skills in our fields or applying our skills to uncharted industry water.

 Economy After the Pandemic

The pandemic has hit many countries economically, leading to a rise in unemployment. Many industries have been severely affected due to the pandemic. any industries such as the food industry need more employees. On the other hand, many companies have used technology to create contactless interactions with their customers. The pandemic has caused an acceleration into the digital world. For example, in Times Square a digital Taco Bell has opened. Dominos is testing out an automated delivery car that would deliver to customers without human contact. Many businesses, especially in the food industry, are using self-service kiosks. In addition, the acceleration into the digital world has created many opportunities for technical skills like computer science, engineering, and many more. 

Pandemic Shift

The pandemic has definitely taken a toll on a lot of people. Including businesses that are still suffering to this day.  Furthermore, companies had widely differing perspectives about how long COVID-19-related disturbances would last. The financial health of many small companies is in trouble. For business owners, they have to invest both time and money in their employees and new technology if they want to continue to be relevant. As everyone may know, social distancing rules and other CDC regulations have caused many businesses to shut down completely. To increase business success and stability, process and procedure documents are critical, both allowing you to rest easy knowing that your employees have a clear guide to performing their job, and that your customers will receive the gold standard of service they expect.

Shift in the Workforce

The pandemic caused a major shift in the work environment. From public transportation to dining out. Everything changed to some extent and how we move forward will affect the economy in the future. Will it revert to normal, or is this the new normal of COVID-19? We have to realize that this is our new reality and thus we must adjust to it, rather than just waiting around.


In conclusion, the pandemic has caused many companies to struggle in terms of business. Additionally, the increasing number of remote jobs is a call for job policy and procedure documentation. We have documented safety procedures (OSHA), standard operating procedures (SOPs), etc., that have been useful in understanding more about business policy. Our technical writers have also mastered user experience (UX) design, conducting usability tests for company websites targeted at individuals that best fit their target audience. This technique is essential as a technical writer because you need to structure and organize your documents appropriately. Employees at Essential Data have a keen eye for editing, formatting, and organizing your documents. Policy and procedure documents that are efficient and concise are produced only by the best, like the highly skilled technical writers at Essential Data Corporation.

Contact Us

Whether you need a team of consultants to produce a complete line of policy and procedure documentation or a single technical writer for a brief project, Essential Data’s Engagement Manager will lead the project from start to finish. Essential Data Corporation guarantees the quality of our work. Contact us today to get started. (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]

Written by Jermy Budhram