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Technical writers help ancillary companies in the cannabis industry by producing documentation and navigating regulations surrounding the cannabis industry.

In any situation, there is far more than what initially meets the eye. Similarly, there is more to the cannabis industry than the breeders, cultivators, and dispensaries which are often in the public eye.  While the public often limits their definition of the cannabis industry to just those fields, there are many more involved in it. In fact, the majority of the cannabis sector is actually made up of ancillary companies. Even better to know is that technical writers can help ancillary companies.

What are Ancillary Companies?

In a general sense, ancillary companies are businesses; specifically, they are businesses that are connected to stockholders, wholesalers, and partners of a central company that support the central company. They often do not get involved with the development of the product itself. Instead, they provide services and machinery to facilitate the central company’s production. Regarding the marijuana industry, they are companies or B2Bs that provide support and services to the main business operations within the overall cannabis industry. This may include anything from professional services, finances, insurance, equipment, security solutions, real estate, contractors, data platforms, agriculture tech, and more.

Ancillary Companies in the Cannabis Industry

When it comes to ancillary companies in the cannabis industry, the focus is more on the logistical side of a business. Their role is not so much growing and selling the cannabis plant as it is supporting those who do. As new legislation continues to legalize marijuana across the nation, the cannabis industry is expected to grow exponentially. However, there are still a large number of regulations in place.

Companies will have to maneuver these regulations by increasing their understanding of how to navigate this new industry legally, which in turn will require a lot of structure and guidance from those beyond the company in charge of direct production. This is where ancillary companies can come in handy. However, they cannot do it alone, as there is a lot of work and documentation involved in navigating the regulations and laws surrounding the cannabis industry. Ancillary companies can get the help they need from technical writers.

How Technical Writers Help Ancillary Companies

The biggest challenge ancillary businesses face is complying with the law, especially considering that cannabis is still illegal on a federal level. With changing regulations and differences in legalization between federal, state, and local levels, avoiding violations and penalties is like trying to navigate a minefield. Even though marijuana is legal in some states, the guidelines vary from state to state and are prone to change at any moment, and legal issues such as these confusing regulations can make it difficult for companies to be successful at a large scale or for an extended period of time. Companies can potentially even face legal and financial ramifications if they do not comply with these regulations. This is where technical writers can be extremely helpful for cannabis ancillary companies.

Technical writers help ancillary companies by using their training in technical writing and digital communication to produce accurate and useful documentation. This documentation can address the various rules, regulations, and services required to operate within the cannabis industry. From compliance & regulation policies to license and permit essentials, there are endless ways to improve your company’s communication and security. With the assistance of compliance tech writers, they can advise companies on how to conduct their business. Similarly, tech writers can help keep companies up-to-date on the most recent regulations, ensuring they are always in compliance.

Technical Writers and Ancillary Companies’ Documentation

With the ability and skills to collaborate with SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), a technical writer can tackle any documentation problem in the ancillary market. Technical writers can help companies communicate ideas and messages effectively to other audiences or businesses with different laws. This ensures clarity and comprehension on all ends. Technical communicators can also prepare and design human resource documents. In addressing training materials needed to ensure the best work practices, they reduce public stigma, which is especially important when working with a substance such as marijuana.

What Kinds of Documentation Do Technical Writers Help Ancillary Businesses With?

Among the documents that ancillary businesses use, there are certain kinds of documents that technical writers are particularly helpful with creating. These include certificates, instructions for processes related to navigating fields such as the cannabis industry, manuals for performing duties and tasks that are vital to an ancillary company’s operations, and documented agreements. Technical writers help to ensure that such documents, many of which cover very complicated subjects, are easy for readers to understand and follow, while still being detailed enough to cover all the important topics, processes, and ideas.

Written Notes on a Clipped Paper, demonstrating how technical writers help ancillary companies.

Applying A Document Management System to Ancillary Companies Through Technical Writers

There are all kinds of ways to work in the marijuana industry. Regardless of one’s experience of working with cannabis, running an ancillary business in any form will still require standard operating procedures. Standard operating procedures outline the ideal business operations and employee roles for a company every step of the way. This reduces any confusion and helps protect you in cases of determining liability. Technical writers can help a company understand how their service or product works, and how the process can be improved, by developing, improving, or streamlining any documentation.

Thus, working with a technical writer as an ancillary company can help your business run efficiently and grow your customer base. Additionally, this helps in boosting your bottom line. Good technical documentation means that employees of all levels will have access to easy-to-read documents on topics ranging from cloud services, security solutions, packing manufacturing, payroll, marketing & branding packaging, and more. Unlike a federally regulated business, employees of all departments will need step-by-step procedures and processes for the exact behavior expected of them working in a high-intensity workspace.

High-Volume, High-Quality Documentation

Like with any business, a cannabis-based company will generate high volumes of documentation. In fact, they may even generate more than average due to the strict rules and regulations. Therefore, such companies need technical writers, who are highly skilled and equipped to use automation technology to create a document management system. This will help integrate records that minimize confusion, assure rapid navigation, and ensure reliable records are accessible for ancillary companies.

Furthermore, the use of automated workflows can increase efficiency among staff. Moreover, data can be formatted for maximum use on electronic devices among authorized employees, which in turn reduces potential knowledge loss. Tech writers use software that works with your company. Additionally, they will help ensure your company complies with security, industry regulations, and legal requirements. The largest benefit a tech writer gives is the ability for you to focus 100% on operating your business.

Woman in casual wear sitting on comfortable couch with cup and typing on keyboard of laptop while working remotely in cozy living room, demonstrating how technical writers help ancillary companies.

How to Find a Technical Writer for an Ancillary Company

While searching for and employing a technical writer to work for an ancillary company, there are certain factors and steps that need to be taken into account in order to do so. First, when hiring for a technical writer position, the ancillary company needs to make clear what specific duties or kinds of documentation they are looking for someone to handle. This greatly raises the chances of finding candidates who have the skills to properly perform those duties.  

Furthermore, a company should tailor their search based on whether they need a technical writer for a more permanent role or a single project. Finally, the business should make clear that their work involves supporting a central company, rather than performing the work that said central company does; this will help to avoid confusion and filter out applicants who are seeking to perform work along the lines of the central company’s operations.

Qualifications for an Ancillary Business Technical Writer

When searching for a technical writer, an ancillary business should attempt to find candidates with the particular qualifications needed to fulfill the duties involved in the business’s operations. These qualifications can include skills, experience, or knowledge. Among the most essential qualifications an ancillary company should look for in a technical writer are:

  • Experience with ancillary business-related functions and operations
  • Skill in performing duties such as accounting, marketing, etc.

In the cannabis industry in particular, an ancillary business should also look for technical writers who have experience in said industry, or at least in a field that has similarly complex and confusing regulations, as such writers could bring their understanding of that field and how to navigate it.  In addition, a cannabis ancillary company should make sure that a potential technical writer candidate is willing to work in such a controversial field as the cannabis industry before hiring them.


Hiring a team of technical writers can be the key to success. This is doubly true when helping operate an ancillary company in the cannabis industry. Businesses must be careful every step of the way as regulations are constantly changing and the industry continues to grow at a rapid pace. Investing in technical writers is key, as it ensures that you have good document management practices to be compliant when running your business.

Whether you need a single technical writer for a brief project or a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation, we guarantee the quality of our work. We provide an Engagement Manager from one of our 30 local offices for the entire length of your project at no additional cost. Contact us at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]