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Hiring technical writers can provide a number of benefits that allow organizations to save both time and money.


Hiring technical and documentation writers is not only the wisest option but also the most cost-effective.  These writers can give businesses several benefits and advantages that will help those businesses achieve greater success and function more effectively without excessive spending.  In particular, Essential Data’s skilled and knowledgeable technical writers can provide all these benefits and more. Continue reading to discover how hiring tech writers with Essential Data Corporation provides efficient solutions throughout different industries.

Why Hiring Tech Writers is Important

Technical writers provide a way to effectively write clear and useful documentation on several subjects.  They are capable of translating complicated information into forms that are clear and easy for audiences to understand, which makes them very valuable when writing about complex subjects such as cybersecurity and construction.  They consider who is meant to read a document and tailor their language accordingly, providing details and clarification as needed to make sure the document efficiently communicates the necessary information.  This ensures that the intended readers of a document can follow along with and make use of it.

While writing documentation on the industry they work in, technical writers also acquire considerable knowledge of that industry as a result of the research they need to do.  This in turn can allow them to offer a degree of insight when working on tasks or projects related to one of those topics.  For instance, a technical writer who works in the software industry can then use what they have learned to advise and help others when working on various tasks related to software, such as determining what specific information should go into documentation like software instruction manuals.

How Technical Writers Can Reduce Losses of Time and Money

While subject matter experts can offer extensive information and experience in their area of expertise, said area of expertise might be limited to anything from a field of research to a particular process, whereas technical writers tend to have at least a fair amount of knowledge in numerous aspects of the industry in which they work.  This means that hiring a technical writer can alleviate the cost of having to possibly hire an individual subject expert on each subject that an organization is involved with.  Furthermore, technical writers’ ability to make complicated information clearer and more easily understandable can help to reduce the time spent repeatedly answering questions from workers who are confused about an idea or task.

Furthermore, the benefits of hiring technical writers far outweigh the costs of doing so.  Although it may cost a business money to employ a technical writer – particularly on a full-time basis – the amount of time and money such a worker would save would more than makeup for it.  In addition, an organization could reduce the cost of hiring a technical writer by hiring an independent contractor or a remote technical writer.

Paper showing a data chart that was the result of hiring a tech writer.

The Benefits of Hiring Essential Data’s Technical Writers

While hiring technical writers in general can be a great boon to an organization, Essential Data can provide even further advantages to an organization.  Because Essential Data writes articles related to many different industries, our technical writers are experts in a larger number of topics than most other technical writers and can offer insight and aid on various tasks or projects.  Furthermore, the technical writers at Essential Data Corporation are highly skilled in creating clear and effective documentation, which would be very helpful in any industry.

More information on how Essential Data’s technical writers can help can be found here.

Save Money by Improving Customer Retention

According to a case study on software firm customer service, our clients realized considerable cost savings. Clients also saw an increase in customer retention when they hired Essential Data’s technical and documentation writers. Furthermore, they increased customer retention by updating training and resource materials for self-service customer assistance.

To see these significant improvements, Essential Data’s tech writers developed and significantly improved over-the-phone support manuals previously used by the software company. Similarly, our tech writers made these manuals and procedures more effective and efficient. Our tech writers found that by restructuring the manuals, it would be easier to find specific topics.

By increasing the speed of over-the-phone support through documentation, our software company client was able to avoid the more expensive option of hiring live customer support. We thank three of our well-versed tech writers in the field of online support within the tech industry for this. In addition, they streamlined and improved the customer support process at a reasonable cost.

A person signing a document that will approve the hiring of a tech writer.

Making Changes Now Leads to Long-Term Success

An additional case study highlights EDC’s work within the field of bank loan origination procedures. Two technical writers from Essential Data’s specialized technical writing services revised the loan procedure documentation, resulting in structural improvements across the board for the entire bank.

Moreover, rewriting these materials resulted in a faster turnaround time in processing loans. Moreover, the bank audit received the material rewrite promptly. Furthermore, we created a concise blueprint document for the bank, which continues to result in increased success.

Another case in which Essential Data’s technical writers significantly helped a business’s operations can be found here.

Three people around a table talking about hiring a tech writer.

Providing Efficient Solutions

The above examples provide insight into how Essential Data’s dynamic staff of technical writers can improve efficiency in two very different industries. That being said, Essential Data has a technical writer on staff with expertise in nearly every industry imaginable.  Essential Data’s technical writers can provide aid in writing any sort of documentation and will ensure that no matter what industry you work in or what project you are trying to complete, the necessary work and writing will get done.

Some say that time is money, and by hiring technical writers you can save both.

How EDC Can Help

Whether you need a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation or a single technical writer for a brief project, Essential Data’s Engagement Manager will lead the project from start to finish.  At Essential Data, we guarantee the quality of our work. Please contact us today to get your project started, at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected].

Written by Ariana Sweany